Critique Manga Drifting dragons #15

Drifting dragons

par jacob101 le lun. 18 mars 2024

Skillfully Portray Significant

The author's Drive Mad 2 ability to skillfully portray significant character development and background information during unexpected moments in the story. Flashbacks are used effectively to provide insight into the characters' motivations and relationships, adding layers to the narrative. The review specifically mentions the impactful flashback involving Gibbs and his encounter with a group of young deserters, showing the author's adeptness at evoking emotions from brief encounters.

En bref

I wanna express admiration for the author's storytelling prowess in gradually unfolding the psychology and backgrounds of the crew members across multiple volumes.

Drifting dragons

Gibbs' role as a surrogate older brother aboard the Quin Zaza and his unique bond with Takita, ultimately describing the storytelling as magnificent and emotionally resonant.



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