The Dark Crystal - Creation Myths 2 - Creation Myths Vol. 2TPB hardcover (cartonnée) (Boom! Studios)

couverture, jaquette The Dark Crystal - Creation Myths 2  - Creation Myths Vol. 2TPB hardcover (cartonnée) (Boom! Studios) Comics
Archaia Entertainment
couverture, jaquette The Dark Crystal - Creation Myths TPB hardcover (cartonnée) 1
  • Autres titresdrapeau États-unisJim Henson's The Dark Crystal
  • TypeComics
  • Date parutionmar. 12 mars 2013
  • ScénaristeJim HENSON
  • Genres Heroïc-Fantasy
  • Tags
  • Mag. prépub.
  • EditeurBoom! Studios
  • EAN-139781936393800
  • Prix19,95 USD
  • Format17.3x26.7cm
  • Pages96
  • drapeau pays édition Complète
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The Dark Crystal - Creation Myths 2
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The Great Conjunction is at hand in this dramatic second volume of Archaia and The Jim Henson Company's trilogy of prequel graphic novels that tell the origin of The Dark Crystal. Aughra, the beloved guardian of Thra, has gone into hiding, while her son, Raunip, leads a team of emissaries to the Crystal Castle. There they will bear witness as the visiting Urskeks attempt to use the Conjunction to power their voyage home. But pain and mistrust fostered by the group leads to events that will corrupt the world to its very core and transform the Urskeks into two distinct races: the gentle urRu and the terrifying Skeksis. Brian Froud, legendary fantasy artist and conceptual designer of Jim Henson's The Dark Crystal film, returns to oversee this crucial chapter that reveals the tragic events that caused the Bright Crystal to darken and shatter.

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drapeau pays édition TPB hardcover (cartonnée) [Boom! Studios]
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The Dark Crystal - Creation Myths 1
28 nov. 2011
The Dark Crystal - Creation Myths 2
12 mars 2013
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