The Dark Crystal - Creation Myths 1 - Creation Myths Vol. 1TPB hardcover (cartonnée) (Boom! Studios)

couverture, jaquette The Dark Crystal - Creation Myths 1  - Creation Myths Vol. 1TPB hardcover (cartonnée) (Boom! Studios) Comics
Archaia Entertainment
couverture, jaquette The Dark Crystal - Creation Myths TPB hardcover (cartonnée) 2
  • Autres titresdrapeau États-unisJim Henson's The Dark Crystal
  • TypeComics
  • Date parutionlun. 28 nov. 2011
  • ScénaristeJim HENSON
  • Genres Heroïc-Fantasy
  • Tags
  • Mag. prépub.
  • EditeurBoom! Studios
  • EAN-139781936393008
  • Prix19,95 USD
  • Format17.3x26.7cm
  • Pages96
  • drapeau pays édition Complète
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The Dark Crystal - Creation Myths 1
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Part one of a three-part graphic novel prequel series delving into the origins of the Skeksis, Mystics, Gelflings, the world of Thra, and The Dark Crystal itself. Spanning a time period from thousands of years ago to right up to the start of the original film, this graphic novel epic will tell the definitive origin of The Dark Crystal, under the supervision of The Jim Henson Company and The Dark Crystal concept designer Brian Froud.

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drapeau pays édition TPB hardcover (cartonnée) [Boom! Studios]
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The Dark Crystal - Creation Myths 1
28 nov. 2011
The Dark Crystal - Creation Myths 2
12 mars 2013
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