Wanko to Nyanko 2 USA (801 Media)

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© Yoshimi Amazaki / Core Magazine
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Junya and Atsu have made the jump from childhood friends to lovers, but obstacles still remain. With their oil and water personalities, will these things spell the end? Are they taking each other for granted, or will taking a step back help or hinder? It's the anxiously awaited second volume of the romantic comedy series by Yoshimi Amasaki!

Les tomes de cette édition
drapeau pays édition USA [801 Media]
Terminée en 4 tomes
Wanko to Nyanko 1
9 sept. 2009
Wanko to Nyanko 2
9 août 2011
Wanko to Nyanko 3
26 juin 2012
Wanko to Nyanko 4
1 avril 2014
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