The Boys 8 - Highland LaddieTPB softcover (souple) (2006 - 2012) (Dynamite Entertainment)

couverture, jaquette The Boys 8  - Highland LaddieTPB softcover (souple) (2006 - 2012) (Dynamite Entertainment) Comics
couverture, jaquette The Boys TPB softcover (souple) (2006 - 2012) 7
couverture, jaquette The Boys TPB softcover (souple) (2006 - 2012) 9
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The Boys TPB softcover (souple) - Marvel Pocket 2
The Boys 8
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Mind reeling from cataclysmic events in New York, Wee Hughie heads home to Auchterladle - the semi-idyllic Scottish seaside town where he grew up. All Hughie wants is some time to himself, to return to the bosom of family and friends, and get his head together after two years of unimaginable chaos. But our hero's luck has always been more cloud than silver lining, and the familiar surroundings he craves are not all they might be. Old pals are warped beyond recognition, strangers in town are up to no good, and a figure from Hughie's recent past has come back to resolve some unfinished business. You can go home again - but whether or not you should is another matter entirely.

Les tomes de cette édition
drapeau pays édition TPB softcover (souple) (2006 - 2012) [Dynamite Entertainment]
Terminée en 12 tomes
The Boys 1
1 oct. 2006
The Boys 2
4 mars 2008
The Boys 3
14 oct. 2008
The Boys 4
14 juil. 2009
The Boys 5
8 déc. 2009
The Boys 6
13 avril 2010
The Boys 7
16 nov. 2010
The Boys 8
19 avril 2011
The Boys 9
22 nov. 2011
The Boys 10
20 mars 2012
The Boys 11
19 juin 2012
The Boys 12
11 déc. 2012
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