Les Tortues Ninja 13 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The IDW Collection Volume 13TPB Hardcover - Deluxe - Issues V5 (IDW Publishing)

couverture, jaquette Les Tortues Ninja 13  - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The IDW Collection Volume 13TPB Hardcover - Deluxe - Issues V5 (IDW Publishing) Comics
couverture, jaquette Les Tortues Ninja TPB Hardcover - Deluxe - Issues V5 12
couverture, jaquette Les Tortues Ninja TPB Hardcover - Deluxe - Issues V5 14
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Les Tortues Ninja TPB softcover (souple) - Intégrale 3
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couverture, jaquette Les Tortues Ninja TPB softcover (souple) - Intégrale 4
mer. 10 juil. 2024
Les Tortues Ninja TPB softcover (souple) - Intégrale 4
Les Tortues Ninja 13
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It's all been leading up to this! A massive showdown on the streets of New York City! As New York gets torn apart by different factions mutant and human alike, Karai returns and the future of the TMNT, in fact all of NYC, comes down to a final negotiation between Splinter and Karai. It's the shocking culmination of nearly a decade of storytelling as our heroes face their darkest hour against a multitude of enemies bent on their total destruction. Find out how a City at War will change the world forever!

Plus, abandon all hope... as the most infamous villain in the Turtles' universe, Shredder, returns! Oroku Saki's death was just the beginning, and his journey through the depths of the underworld proves to be anything but a divine comedy. How much of Shredder's soul will remain after he faces the horrors of hell.

Les tomes de cette édition
drapeau pays édition TPB Hardcover - Deluxe - Issues V5 [IDW Publishing]
14 / 14 - en cours
Les Tortues Ninja 1
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Les Tortues Ninja 4
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Les Tortues Ninja 14
19 juil. 2022
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