Larfleeze 1 - The Extremely Large Dog on the Edge of Forever!Issues V1 (2013 - 2014) (DC Comics)

couverture, jaquette Larfleeze 1  - The Extremely Large Dog on the Edge of Forever!Issues V1 (2013 - 2014) (DC Comics) Comics
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Larfleeze 1
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Larfleeze, the breakout character from BLACKEST NIGHT, last seen in the pages of THRESHOLD, is back in his own solo, ongoing series—and he’s not sharing it with anyone! In his debut solo adventure, Larfleeze meets Laord of the Hunt, a pan-dimensional cosmic entity that believes all living things are prey—and he’s out to turn the universe into his own private hunting reserve! And the only thing worse than Laord is the deadly beings he can summon!

Les tomes de cette édition
drapeau pays édition Issues V1 (2013 - 2014) [DC Comics]
Terminée en 12 tomes
Larfleeze 1
26 juin 2013
Larfleeze 2
24 juil. 2013
Larfleeze 3
28 août 2013
Larfleeze 4
23 oct. 2013
Larfleeze 5
27 nov. 2013
Larfleeze 6
31 déc. 2013
Larfleeze 7
29 janv. 2014
Larfleeze 8
26 févr. 2014
Larfleeze 9
26 mars 2014
Larfleeze 10
23 avril 2014
Larfleeze 11
28 mai 2014
Larfleeze 12
25 juin 2014
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