Korvac Saga 2 - Issue 2Issues V1 (2015) (Marvel)

couverture, jaquette Korvac Saga 2  - Issue 2Issues V1 (2015) (Marvel) Comics
couverture, jaquette Korvac Saga Issues V1 (2015) 1
couverture, jaquette Korvac Saga Issues V1 (2015) 3
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Korvac Saga 2
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As Lord Michael Korvac handles a crucial peace summit with his rival, the Wonder Man Simon Williams, Korvac's loyal Guardians struggle to find the source of the madness plaguing the kingdom.

The truth is closer to home than anyone could have realized, and the revelation will shake the kingdom to its foundations.

Les tomes de cette édition
drapeau pays édition Issues V1 (2015) [Marvel]
Terminée en 4 tomes
Korvac Saga 1
24 juin 2015
Korvac Saga 2
15 juil. 2015
Korvac Saga 3
12 août 2015
Korvac Saga 4
9 sept. 2015
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