Justice League Of America 2 - Survivors of evilTPB softcover (souple) - Issues V4 (DC Comics)

couverture, jaquette Justice League Of America 2  - Survivors of evilTPB softcover (souple) - Issues V4 (DC Comics) Comics
DC Comics
couverture, jaquette Justice League Of America TPB softcover (souple) - Issues V4 1
  • TypeComics
  • Date parutionmar. 24 mars 2015
  • DessinateurHoward PORTER
  • ScénaristeBrad MELTZER
  • Genres
  • Tags
  • Mag. prépub.
  • EditeurDC Comics
  • Collectiontp
  • EAN-139781401250478
  • Prix16,99 USD
  • Format16.9x25.7cm
  • Pages160
  • drapeau pays édition Complète
    261 tomes
  • drapeau pays édition Complète
    7 tomes (sur 6)
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couverture, jaquette Justice League Of America TPB softcover (souple) - Issues V6 5
mer. 26 sept. 2018
Justice League Of America TPB softcover (souple) - Issues V6 5
Justice League Of America 2
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As the smoke clears from the Trinity War, one thing looks disturbingly clear, the members of the Justice League of America are dead, betrayed by one of their own.
But as with the Trinity War, all is not what it seems. Martian Manhunter and Star Girl have lived to fight another day and find themselves trapped on an alien world that is under the control of a group of super-villains. The key to their survival may lie in the hands of the super-villain Despero, but will these heros be able to find it within themselves to trust soemone who is supposed to be their mortal enemy?

Les tomes de cette édition
drapeau pays édition TPB softcover (souple) - Issues V4 [DC Comics]
Terminée en 2 tomes
Justice League Of America 1
22 juil. 2014
Justice League Of America 2
24 mars 2015
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