Harbinger 2 - DELUXE EDITION 2TPB hardcover (cartonnée) (Valiant Comics)

couverture, jaquette Harbinger 2  - DELUXE EDITION 2TPB hardcover (cartonnée) (Valiant Comics) Comics
couverture, jaquette Harbinger TPB hardcover (cartonnée) 1
  • TypeComics
  • Date parutionmar. 6 oct. 2015
  • DessinateurAndrew HENNESSY
  • ScénaristeJim SHOOTER
  • Genres
  • Tags
  • Mag. prépub.
  • EditeurValiant Comics
  • CollectionDeluxe Edition
  • EAN-139781939346773
  • Prix45,74 USD
  • Format20.1x28.7cm
  • Pages400
  • drapeau pays édition Complète
    42 tomes
  • drapeau pays édition Complète
    1 tome
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couverture, jaquette Harbinger TPB Hardcover (cartonnée) - Issues V3 1
ven. 24 févr. 2023
Harbinger TPB Hardcover (cartonnée) - Issues V3 1
Harbinger 2
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Peter Stanchek. Toyo Harada. The two most destructive superpowers in the world — literally — have come to a reckoning of will. In the fallout of their cataclysmic conflict, their former families — the Renegades and the Harbinger Foundation — will lie in shards around them. What will stop these men — either of them — from reducing the world to ashes? The Renegades thought they could get their old lives back. They thought they could bring down Toyo Harada and the Harbinger Foundation. They were wrong! And now their loved ones will pay the price...and their once-secret conflict will change the world as we know it!

Les tomes de cette édition
drapeau pays édition TPB hardcover (cartonnée) [Valiant Comics]
Terminée en 2 tomes
Harbinger 1
26 nov. 2013
Harbinger 2
6 oct. 2015
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