Harbinger 1 - DELUXE EDITION 1TPB hardcover (cartonnée) (Valiant Comics)

couverture, jaquette Harbinger 1  - DELUXE EDITION 1TPB hardcover (cartonnée) (Valiant Comics) Comics
couverture, jaquette Harbinger TPB hardcover (cartonnée) 2
  • TypeComics
  • Date parutionmar. 26 nov. 2013
  • DessinateurDan GOLDMAN
  • ScénaristeCollin KELLY
  • Genres
  • Tags
  • Mag. prépub.
  • EditeurValiant Comics
  • CollectionDeluxe Edition
  • EAN-139781939346131
  • Prix45,50 USD
  • Format20.1x28.7cm
  • Pages400
  • drapeau pays édition Complète
    42 tomes
  • drapeau pays édition Complète
    1 tome
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couverture, jaquette Harbinger TPB Hardcover (cartonnée) - Issues V3 1
ven. 24 févr. 2023
Harbinger TPB Hardcover (cartonnée) - Issues V3 1
Harbinger 1
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Outside the law. Inside your head. You've never met a team of super-powered teenagers quite like the Renegades. Skipping across the country in a desperate attempt to stay one step ahead of the authorities, psionically-powered teenager Peter Stanchek only has one option left – run. But he won't have to go it alone. As the shadowy corporation known as the Harbinger Foundation draws close on all sides, Peter will have to find and recruit other unique individuals like himself... other troubled, immensely powerful youths with abilities beyond their control. Their mission? Bring the fight back to the Harbinger Foundation's founder Toyo Harada – and dismantle his global empire brick by brick...

Les tomes de cette édition
drapeau pays édition TPB hardcover (cartonnée) [Valiant Comics]
Terminée en 2 tomes
Harbinger 1
26 nov. 2013
Harbinger 2
6 oct. 2015
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