Dark knights of steel 2 TPB softcover (souple) (DC Comics)

couverture, jaquette Dark knights of steel 2 TPB softcover (souple) (DC Comics) Comics
couverture, jaquette Dark knights of steel TPB softcover (souple) 1
  • TypeComics
  • Date parutionmar. 3 déc. 2024
  • DessinateurYasmine PUTRI
  • ScénaristeTom TAYLOR
  • Genres
  • Tags
  • Mag. prépub.
  • EditeurDC Comics
  • EAN-139781779527196
  • Prix16,99 USD
  • Format-
  • Pages208
  • drapeau pays édition Complète
    12 tomes
  • drapeau pays édition En cours
    2 tomes
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couverture, jaquette Dark knights of steel TPB Hardcover (cartonnée) 2
ven. 17 mai 2024
Dark knights of steel TPB Hardcover (cartonnée) 2
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couverture, jaquette Dark knights of steel TPB softcover (souple) 2
mar. 3 déc. 2024
Dark knights of steel TPB softcover (souple) 2
Dark knights of steel 2
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But Batman finds he’s not the only unfortunate soul to be taken in by his surprise rescuers-strange, magical youngsters have been given sanctuary alongside the bastard prince, Bruce Wayne. Will these teen outcasts change everything Batman believes in? Or will they perish at the hands of a demon?

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drapeau pays édition TPB softcover (souple) [DC Comics]
1 / 2 - en cours
Dark knights of steel 1
12 sept. 2023
Dark knights of steel 2
3 déc. 2024
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