Black Panther - Le Sacre de La Panthère Noire 4 Issues (2018) (Marvel)

couverture, jaquette Black Panther - Le Sacre de La Panthère Noire 4 Issues (2018) (Marvel) Comics
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Black Panther - Le Sacre de La Panthère Noire 4
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COME ONE, COME ENEMY! Now that T'Challa has revealed Wakanda to the world, he must face that world's demands – and those of its monarchs. What does Doctor Doom want from the new king? And it is not only governments and councils who worry about Wakanda's safety in the new era. A young refugee sees his country's coming struggle – and will make his own violence to save it.

Les tomes de cette édition
drapeau pays édition Issues (2018) [Marvel]
Terminée en 6 tomes
Black Panther - Le Sacre de La Panthère Noire 1
3 janv. 2018
Black Panther - Le Sacre de La Panthère Noire 2
7 févr. 2018
Black Panther - Le Sacre de La Panthère Noire 3
7 mars 2018
Black Panther - Le Sacre de La Panthère Noire 4
4 avril 2018
Black Panther - Le Sacre de La Panthère Noire 5
2 mai 2018
Black Panther - Le Sacre de La Panthère Noire 6
6 juin 2018
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