Batman - Europa 4 - RomeIssues V1 (2015 - 2016) (DC Comics)

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Batman - Europa 4 - RomeIssues V1 (2015 - 2016) (DC Comics)
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Batman - Europa 4
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As they reel from the effects of the Colossus virus, Batman and The Joker make their final stand in the ruins of Rome’s Coliseum. At last, their true enemy reveals his identity for one final showdown. Weakened by sickness and forced into an uneasy alliance with his greatest foe, how can Batman focus on what he needs to do to survive?

Les tomes de cette édition
drapeau pays édition Issues V1 (2015 - 2016) [DC Comics]
Terminée en 4 tomes
Batman - Europa 1
18 nov. 2015
Batman - Europa 2
16 déc. 2015
Batman - Europa 3
30 déc. 2015
Batman - Europa 4
20 janv. 2016
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