Largo Winch 20 - THE GOLDEN PERCENTILEen anglais (Cinebook Publishers)

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couverture, jaquette Largo Winch Intégrale 8
dim. 17 oct. 2010
Largo Winch Intégrale 8
Largo Winch 20
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The last time we saw our friend Largo, he was orbiting our world in the company of one of his business rivals, having narrowly escaped death by asphyxiation. Who sabotaged their shuttle launch? Could it be the rival himself, Jarod Munskind? Or his wife Demetria, still on Earth? Perhaps the mysterious employers of a group of assassins currently plying their deadly trade around the edges of the W Group? The explosive conclusion to Largo’s latest adventure.

Les tomes de cette édition
drapeau pays édition en anglais [Cinebook Publishers]
20 / 20 - en cours
Largo Winch 20
30 nov. 2023
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