Gôruden Taimu 5 (Seven Seas)

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© Yuyuko Takemiya | © Umechazuke
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After a series of twists, turns, and breakdowns, the amnesiac Tada Banri and the beautiful but fiery Kaga Kouko have finally begin to date. In fact, they’re so lovey-dovey together, that their friends can’t help but roll their eyes. However, somewhere deep inside Banri remains his old self, and “Old Banri” is still pining for his high school crush and current club senpai, Linda. As past and present combat over the love in Banri’s heart, where will his conflicting feelings take him? It’s the joys and sorrows of love in volume five of Golden Time!

Les tomes de cette édition
drapeau pays édition Simple [Seven Seas]
Terminée en 9 tomes
Gôruden Taimu 1
27 oct. 2015
Gôruden Taimu 2
19 janv. 2016
Gôruden Taimu 3
12 avril 2016
Gôruden Taimu 4
26 juil. 2016
Gôruden Taimu 5
4 oct. 2016
Gôruden Taimu 6
10 janv. 2017
Gôruden Taimu 7
23 mai 2017
Gôruden Taimu 8
5 sept. 2017
Gôruden Taimu 9
23 janv. 2018
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