The Dark Crystal - Creation Myths - Creation Myths Vol. 3TPB hardcover (cartonnée) - Suite et Fin (Boom! Studios)

couverture, jaquette The Dark Crystal - Creation Myths   - Creation Myths Vol. 3TPB hardcover (cartonnée) - Suite et Fin (Boom! Studios) Comics
Archaia Entertainment
  • Autres titresdrapeau États-unisJim Henson's The Dark Crystal
  • TypeComics
  • Date parutionmar. 27 oct. 2015
  • ScénaristeJim HENSON
  • Genres Heroïc-Fantasy
  • Tags
  • Mag. prépub.
  • EditeurBoom! Studios
  • CollectionHardcover
  • EAN-139781608864355
  • Prix24,99 USD
  • Format18.4x28.6cm
  • Pages96
  • drapeau pays édition Complète
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The Dark Crystal - Creation Myths
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BRIAN FROUD, legendary conceptual designer of the beloved Jim Henson fantasy film THE DARK CRYSTAL, returns to the world he helped create in this stunning conclusion of the official prequel to original movie. The world of Thra is shattered. Following the events of The Great Conjunction, the once-powerful Urskeks have been split into two separate beings: the Skeksis and the Mystics. Only Raunip and Aughra know their true origins, but they are trapped in the bowels of the world of Thra, searching for the shard of the Dark Crystal. But as the aftermath of the Great Conjunction wreaks havoc upon the Gelfling tribes, the Geflings may have no choice but to rely upon the one race offering aid: the Skeksis. The species of Thra will have to decide who they can trust if they hope to keep their world together.

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