Magneto 1 - (Young Variant)Issues V4 (2014 - 2015) (Marvel)

couverture, jaquette Magneto 1  - (Young Variant)Issues V4 (2014 - 2015) (Marvel) Comics
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Magneto 1
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Once the deadliest, most feared mutant mastermind on the planet, MAGNETO is no longer the man he once was. After falling in with Cyclops and the X-Men, Erik Lehnsherr became just one more pawn in another man's war. But now, determined to fight the war for mutantkind's survival on his own terms, Magneto sets out to regain what he's lost…and show the world exactly why it should tremble at the sound of his name. Magneto will safeguard the future of the mutant race by hunting down each and every threat that would see his kind extinguished-and bloody his hands that they may never be a threat again.

Les tomes de cette édition
drapeau pays édition Issues V4 (2014 - 2015) [Marvel]
Terminée en 21 tomes
Magneto 1
5 mars 2014
Magneto 2
2 avril 2014
Magneto 3
7 mai 2014
Magneto 4
21 mai 2014
Magneto 5
4 juin 2014
Magneto 6
2 juil. 2014
Magneto 7
16 juil. 2014
Magneto 8
20 août 2014
Magneto 9
10 sept. 2014
Magneto 10
24 sept. 2014
Magneto 11
15 oct. 2014
Magneto 12
19 nov. 2014
Magneto 13
24 déc. 2014
Magneto 14
21 janv. 2015
Magneto 15
18 févr. 2015
Magneto 16
18 mars 2015
Magneto 17
15 avril 2015
Magneto 18
13 mai 2015
Magneto 19
17 juin 2015
Magneto 20
22 juil. 2015
Magneto 21
26 août 2015
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