Bloodshot 2 - DELUXE EDITION 2TPB hardcover (cartonnée) (Valiant Comics)

couverture, jaquette Bloodshot 2  - DELUXE EDITION 2TPB hardcover (cartonnée) (Valiant Comics) Comics
Valiant Comics
couverture, jaquette Bloodshot TPB hardcover (cartonnée) 1
  • TypeComics
  • Date parutionjeu. 29 oct. 2015
  • DessinateurKevin VANHOOK
  • ScénaristeDuffy BOUDREAU
  • Genres action
  • Tags
  • Mag. prépub.
  • EditeurValiant Comics
  • CollectionDeluxe Edition
  • EAN-139781939346810
  • Prix39,99 USD
  • Format19.1x28.2cm
  • Pages416
  • drapeau pays édition Complète
    52 tomes
  • drapeau pays édition Complète
    3 tomes (sur 3)
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Bloodshot 2
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Out of the ashes of Harbinger Wars, Bloodshot is about to join the weaponized men and women of the Harbinger Active Resistance Division — the black budget, technologically-augmented strike force where the powers are dangerously unstable and every mission is a one-way ticket into the meat grinder. With a reluctant leader calling the shots and a new crop of untested rookies manning the frontline, Bloodshot is about to take H.A.R.D. Corps on a brutal, globe-spanning cavalcade of missions against the Harbinger Foundation, Project Rising Spirit's own rogue operators, and the conspiracy-smashing duo of Archer & Armstrong. Get ready for a gasoline-drenched, synapse-snapping suicide run where no one is safe and heroes always die trying!

Les tomes de cette édition
drapeau pays édition TPB hardcover (cartonnée) [Valiant Comics]
Terminée en 2 tomes
Bloodshot 1
15 avril 2014
Bloodshot 2
29 oct. 2015
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