Bloodshot 1 - DELUXE EDITION 1TPB hardcover (cartonnée) (Valiant Comics)

couverture, jaquette Bloodshot 1  - DELUXE EDITION 1TPB hardcover (cartonnée) (Valiant Comics) Comics
Valiant Comics
couverture, jaquette Bloodshot TPB hardcover (cartonnée) 2
  • TypeComics
  • Date parutionmar. 15 avril 2014
  • DessinateurKevin VANHOOK
  • ScénaristeLen KAMINSKI
  • Genres action
  • Tags
  • Mag. prépub.
  • EditeurValiant Comics
  • CollectionDeluxe Edition
  • EAN-139781939346216
  • Prix39,99 USD
  • Format19.1x28.2cm
  • Pages368
  • drapeau pays édition Complète
    52 tomes
  • drapeau pays édition Complète
    3 tomes (sur 3)
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Bloodshot 1
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Your name is Angelo Mortalli. Your brother is trapped behind enemy lines and on the verge of — no. That’s not right. Your name is Raymond Garrison. You’ve retired from the dangers of the field, but a desperate plea from your oldest friend plunges you into a vicious firefight that — no. That’s not right, either. You are Bloodshot. You are the shade of gray that freedom requires. The perfect confluence of military necessity and cutting-edge technology. A walking WikiLeaks. A reservoir of dirty secrets that could set the world on fire. And you’ve just been captured.
From his first no-holds-barred suicide run to the heated firefights of the Harbinger Wars, Valiant's indestructible, nanite-enhanced commando begins the quest for the long-lost answers behind his origin in this prestige-sized collection by acclaimed writer Duane Swierczynski (Birds of Prey) and all-star artists Manuel Garcia (Black Widow), Barry Kitson (Amazing Spider-Man), and Arturo Lozzi (Immortal Weapons).

Les tomes de cette édition
drapeau pays édition TPB hardcover (cartonnée) [Valiant Comics]
Terminée en 2 tomes
Bloodshot 1
15 avril 2014
Bloodshot 2
29 oct. 2015
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