Gil Jourdan 3 - Murder by high tide (Fantagraphics Books)

couverture, jaquette Gil Jourdan 3  - Murder by high tide (Fantagraphics Books) BD
couverture, jaquette Gil Jourdan 2
  • Autres titresdrapeau États-unisGil Jordan
  • TypeBD
  • Date parutionsam. 1 janv. 2011
  • Dessinateur GOS
  • ScénaristeMaurice TILLIEUX
  • Genres policier
  • Tags
  • Mag. prépub.
  • EditeurFantagraphics Books
  • EAN-139781606994511
  • Prix21,44 USD
  • Format21.8x28.7cm
  • Pages96
  • drapeau pays édition Complète
    16 tomes
  • drapeau pays édition Complète
    16 tomes (sur 16)
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couverture, jaquette Gil Jourdan Tirage de tête 26
jeu. 1 déc. 2016
Gil Jourdan Tirage de tête 26
Gil Jourdan 3
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Another never-before-translated classic from the Golden Age of Franco-Belgian comics, finally brought to American readers. Imagine the beautifully crisp images of Hergé (Tintin) put in service of a series of wise-cracking, fast-paced detective stories — punctuated with scenes of spectacular vehicular mayhem (including in this volume a dockside pursuit via car and bulldozer) — and you’ll see why 50 years later Gil Jordan is still considered a masterpiece in Europe.

Gil Jordan is a nattily-dressed but tough-as-nails private eye, seconded by his trusty ex-burglar assistant Crackerjack and his eccentric friend Inspector Crouton (as well as the invaluable Miss Midge).

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