Imadoki ! 2 Américaine (Viz media)

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© by WATASE Yuu / Shogakukan
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couverture, jaquette Imadoki ! Américaine 3
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It sure isn't easy being a working-class girl attending the most posh high school in town. Even more difficult is starting up a Gardening Committee in a place where every bit of flora and fauna is artificial (wouldn't want to flare up the aristocratic student body's allergies). It's a good thing that Tanpopo Yamazaki is as tenacious and full of moxy as they come. With her eye on the prize, and an adorable pet fox named Poplar, Tanpopo is prepared to make friends and plant flowers by any means necessary.

Les tomes de cette édition
drapeau pays édition Américaine [Viz media]
Terminée en 5 tomes
Imadoki ! 1
28 févr. 1970
Imadoki ! 2
28 févr. 1970
Imadoki ! 3
28 févr. 1970
Imadoki ! 4
28 févr. 1970
Imadoki ! 5
28 févr. 1970
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