John j. HILL

Lettrage américain

  • Ses travaux
Les titres en gras indiquent que l'oeuvre a été éditée en France.
Année Titre Rôle
0 ###NON CLASSE### (Inconnu) Lettrage
1932 Superman (Comics) Lettrage
1942 Wonder Woman (Comics) Lettrage
1950 Strange Adventures (Comics) Lettrage
1980 Harley Quinn (Comics) Lettrage
1988 Martian Manhunter (Comics) Lettrage
2004 Justice League Unlimited (Comics) Lettrage
2007 Countdown Presents - Lord Havok And The Extremists (Comics) Lettrage
Countdown - Arena (Comics) Lettrage
52 Aftermath - The Four Horsemen (Comics) Lettrage
Tales of the Sinestro Corps - Superman-Prime (Comics) Lettrage
Countdown Presents - The Search for Ray Palmer - Crime Society (Comics) Lettrage
Countdown Presents - The Search for Ray Palmer - Wildstorm (Comics) Lettrage
2008 DC Special - Raven (Comics) Lettrage
Tales of the Sinestro Corps - Ion (Comics) Lettrage
Countdown Presents - The Search for Ray Palmer - Superwoman/Batwoman (Comics) Lettrage
2009 Batman - Vendetta (Comics) Lettrage
2010 Superman - War of the Supermen (Comics) Lettrage
2011 Flashpoint - The Outsider (Comics) Lettrage
2012 Flashpoint - The world of Flashpoint featuring Wonder Woman (Comics) Lettrage
Batman - Death by Design (Comics) Lettrage
2014 Nailbiter (Comics) Lettrage
2015 Harley Quinn - Valentine's Day Special (Comics) Lettrage
DC Sneak Peek - Harley Quinn (Comics) Lettrage
DC Sneak Peek - Teen Titans (Comics) Lettrage
2016 Harley Quinn - Be Careful What You Wish For (Comics) Lettrage
Wonder Woman 75 box set (Comics) Lettrage
2019 Wonder Woman by Gail Simone (Comics) Lettrage